Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 24/07/2020
HORA: 14:00


Environmental Geotechnics; Geotechnical Cartography; GIS; Geoprocessing.

ÁREA: Ciências Ambientais
Urban law, whose premises transcend territorial planning, seeks quality in social relations and its consequences for the occupation or use of urban land. In a country where the percentage of people living in urban areas exceeds 80%, and in a municipal context in Juazeiro do Norte / Ce this percentage is 96%, strategic actions for land use and occupation must be a priority. The City Statute is the federal legislative instrument that establishes general guidelines for urban policy, geared to the social interest and with the objective of ordering the social development of the city and urban property, avoiding, disorderly installment and uncontrolled land use, the deterioration of urbanized areas, pollution and environmental degradation, the exposure of the population to the risks of natural disasters, etc. The Urban Development Master Plan (PDDU) of the city of Juazeiro do Norte / Ce is out of date for almost 10 years, which causes dissonance to the city's evolution in several aspects. In order to contribute to the gathering of the necessary instruments to assist in updating the PDDU of Juazeiro do Norte / Ce and other associated studies, the objective of this work is to develop a map of susceptibility

to the erosion and landslides of the municipality, on a scale of urban planning, contributing to the territorial ordering. Specifically, it seeks to analyze the characteristics of the physical environment through the creation of thematic maps; evaluate the potential of erosion and landslide processes by crossing the respective maps; and, thus, subsidize the elaboration of a geotechnical charter for urban aptitude. For this, research was developed on geotechnical cartography applied to the study of a susceptibility chart, including the characteristics necessary to produce it, as well as the search for geographic, geological and geotechnical data, containing information on the physical environment, from the city of Juazeiro do Norte / Ce. A hypothetical-deductive applied research will be carried out, carrying out an experimental and comparative plan in an exploratory and descriptive way, based on the data made available by the municipal government entities and on the maps made available by the GIS platforms. Based on the action research model, the research is outlined in the search for bibliographic data on the necessary terms and its current study progress, carrying out an experiment of the type

“Before-after” with two distinct groups: with the original and outdated Territorial Planning; and, based on the Susceptibility Letter. In this way, the planimetric base will be developed with data from the Secretariat of Infrastructure (SEINFRA), Municipal Environment Authority (AMAJU) and Civil Defense of the city of Juazeiro do Norte / Ce, as well as use of

satellite images Landsat-8 and China-Brazil Earth-Resources Satellite 4 (CBERS-4), in addition to their processing. The Digital Terrain Model (MDT) will be developed based on the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) images and vectorized contour lines of topographic maps made available for the formation of georeferenced databases treated in a GIS environment. For confirmation, field visits will be made to review the collected data and, subsequently, the validation of the data entered and checked for the generation of the susceptibility map of Juazeiro do Norte / Ce. It is hoped that this research will contribute to science focused on sustainable regional development, seeking balance between society, the environment and the local economy, assisting the municipality in the development of public policies that favor development, as well as achieving the objectives of sustainable development established by the UN, especially those of numbers 3, 6, 9, 11, 13 and 15. In addition, the results of this research can be widely used by the municipality in order to provide due attention to the forms of use and occupation of the soil and the elaboration of other geotechnical maps in scales of better visualization, such as geotechnical maps of urban aptitude and areas of risk, among other instruments of territorial planning and management.

Presidente - 1657653 - ANA PATRICIA NUNES BANDEIRA
Interno - 787.759.903-00 - MARCELO MARTINS DE MOURA FÉ - URCA
Externo à Instituição - SIMONE CARDOSO RIBEIRO - URCA
Notícia cadastrada em: 16/07/2020 09:09
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