Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 06/08/2019
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Campus Juazeiro

GUIDELINES AND PUBLIC LIBRARY ACCESSIBILITY POLICIES FOR Deaf USERS: a look at deaf culture and identity in the Cariri Region


Accessibility. Guidelines for the deaf. Public libraries. Public accessibility policies.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
ÁREA: Ciência da Informação
SUBÁREA: Biblioteconomia

It presents a reflection on points pertinent to the proper functioning of public service libraries aimed at the deaf reader, assuming that all informational space must be adapted according to the structure, culture and policies that meet the specificities of its users. The problem that originated this research is how Crajubar Region's public service libraries adopt the recommendations of the IFLA Guidelines for the Service of Deaf Users. Of region. Its overall objective is to investigate in the Crajubar Region whether public service libraries are complying with the structure necessary to meet deaf public demand, based on the Deaf Library Service Guidelines. For this purpose, the following specific objectives will be used: Identify in the institutional policies of libraries which are in accordance with IFLA DSBS; Verify what actions and services are offered by the institution in response to the demand of deaf users; and, Develop a guide with recommendations on actions and services that may be directed to the care of the deaf user. In this sense, this study is structured in sections that address: deaf culture and identity, promoting a discussion about the cultural and linguistic peculiarities and potentialities of deafness and the dialogue that libraries promote as social agents; public accessibility policies, raising considerations about the inclusion strategies that are being understood and expanded in society; and, finally, brings the guidelines of libraries for the care of the deaf public. An exploratory research was conducted to identify whether there are applications of these guidelines in the Cariri Region, specifically in the cities of Barbalha, Crato and Juazeiro do Norte, which form the so-called Crajubar Triangle, having as a clipping the Public Libraries of the three cities. , the Social Service Commerce (Sesc) Libraries Crato unit and Juazeiro do Norte unit and the School of Knowledge Library, located in Barbalha. Observations, interviews and verification of accessibility policies were performed. The results clearly showed that none of the investigated libraries offers services and / or promotes actions aimed at the deaf community and there is a lack of knowledge on the part of professionals on how to structure the library for this type of care. As a conclusion, the research established new reflections about deaf culture and its relationship with libraries, and elaborated a product, with clear and playful language, with recommendations for the care of deaf users, entitled Guide for Deaf User Care, seeking to foster offering inclusive services that enable the deaf community to access and proximity to the library.

Interno - 167.634.048-32 - CESAR AUGUSTO CUSIN - FAPCE
Presidente - 031.647.814-82 - GRACY KELLI MARTINS GONCALVES - UFPB
Externo à Instituição - IZABEL FRANÇA DE LIMA - UFPB
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/07/2019 10:32
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