Destinations, Pilgrimages, and Minds: The Preservation of the Memory of Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará Through the Cataloging of Luis Karimai's Works
Keywords: Luis Karimai; Juazeiro do Norte; Memory; Raisonné Catalog; Digital Repository.
The present study, linked to the Research Line "Information, Culture, and Memory," aims to contribute to the dissemination of the artistic/plastic memory of the city of Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, through the creation of a digital Raisonné catalog. The research objective is to catalog the works related to the artistic production of Luis Karimai in order to preserve, disseminate, and safeguard the cultural heritage of the Cariri Region, contributing to the maintenance of the artistic memory of the city of Juazeiro do Norte. The research is characterized as bibliographic, analyzing documents, periodicals, and scientific articles. Additionally, it has a qualitative approach and is descriptive and exploratory in nature. The study supports the understanding of the theme and the construction of the theoretical framework through a bibliographic survey. The research is based on theoretical and scientific materials already published on the subject, using the concept of Raisonné catalog to list in detail the works of descriptive and documentary interest. We highlight the relevance of the artist Luis Karimai in the Cariri scene and how his works influenced manifestations of an entire generation of artists, shaping the artistic scene of the region over the 30 years during which he produced uninterruptedly since establishing residence in the city.