Information Flow. Knowledge management. Decision Making.
In today's information age, the way organizations are managed has been transformed, making data, information, and knowledge increasingly valuable in an information and knowledge society. In this context, knowledge management has been widely debated and implemented as a strategy for success in a competitive market. For this, it is essential that organizations develop a culture that promotes the effective management of knowledge and intelligence, since these factors directly influence the performance and ability to achieve strategic objectives. Thus, it is necessary to invest in practices that value the management of knowledge and intelligence, allowing the company to have a competitive edge. Given this, the study proposes to investigate how the information units, specifically the private libraries of the Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio in Juazeiro do Norte - CE, have managed knowledge and applied competitive intelligence strategies. To achieve this goal, the research will be exploratory and of qualitativequantitative approach, carried out in the libraries of two of the three campuses of the University Center. A digital questionnaire will be applied, through google forms, with the librarian responsible for the units and with the collaborators of the two libraries that are part of the research field studied. The data collected will be organized and analyzed through content analysis, allowing to diagnose knowledge management in the context of the libraries studied and to draw a model applicable to any and all units of information that wish to manage knowledge as a valuable asset. Thus, the research seeks to understand how knowledge management occurs and the use of competitive intelligence strategies by information units, identifying existing processes and proposing a manual of practices in knowledge management. With this, it is expected to contribute to the improvement of the processes and services of the information units and to the development of an environment of knowledge and competitive intelligence in the academic and business sphere.