Performance of the University Extension in the scope of Librarianeconomics: proposal of an Information Service for the Pro-Rectory of Extension of the Universidade Federal do Cariri
University Extension; Traditional Axes - Thematic Areas; Librarianship; Informational Axes - Technical-pragmatic, human and scientific foundations; Pro-Rectory of
It portrays the performance of the University Extension through the traditional axes (modalities
of action and thematic areas) and the informational axes of librarianeconomics (fundamentals
of technical-pragmatic, human and scientific information), in order to streamline the
institutional activities of the Pro-Rectory of Extension, focusing on the Universidade Federal
do Cariri (UFCA). It presents as problematizing condition a question that will be discussed
from the following question: how to think about the proposition of an information and
knowledge service to boost the activities of the Pro-Rectory of Extension of the Universidade
Federal do Cariri? It defines, in the general objective, to investigate the reality of University
Extension practices in the field of information and knowledge from the Pro-Rectory of
Extension of the Universidade Federal do Cariri aiming to recognize the proposition of an
information and knowledge service. It discusses, in the theoretical reference, the fundamentals
of university extension; the traditional axes of extension and the informational axes; and about
how the Pro-Rectory of Extension act with the issues of the traditional axes (focused on the
modalities of action) and informational, as well as denotes a proposal synthesis of the
performance of the Pro-Rectory of Extension through the biblioteconical informational axes. It
determines, in the methodological procedures: the comprehensive method, resting on the
purposes (exploratory and descriptive), strategies (bibliographic, documentary and case study)
and the approach (qualitative); locus, the Pro-Rectory of Extension (PROEX) of UFCA; social
actors (Pro-Rector of Extension and/or Deputy and the heads, advisors, coordinators, visual
programmer and assistant in administration of the nuclei and coordination of PROEX/UFCA);
data collection instruments (interview and questionnaire); data analysis technique (Content
Analysis); and the characterization of the information product (Informationand Knowledge
Service), intending to answer the problem, meet the objectives and enable the construction of
the information product. It analyzes the activities of PROEX/UFCA in the field of information,
verifying its presence in data processing and organization practices and use of digital
technologies for operationalization of services and the dissemination of extension actions in its
communication channels. It concludes that the traditional axes of extension provide
Biblioteconomia with a niche network thematic potential for the performance of its
informational practices and market expansion, likewise, the contribution of the informational
biblioteconômico axes to University Extension enables a new look at the performance of the
Pro-Rectory of Extension, focusing on PROEX/UFCA, because they are contextual
foundations that can scientifically support, energize and raise the potential of their institutional