Digital Book. Library. Platform. Public.
In view of the use of E-books in Higher Education Institutions, this dissertation
entitled “The Role of the Reading Platform of E-books in a Public Higher Education
Institution” discusses issues such as: the origin of writing, the evolution of the book, the
emergence of new reading media, policies, marketing and sustainability, with the
general objective to study the incentives for reading e-books on the platform in the
open books portal of a Higher Education Institution. And it has the following specific
objectives: to analyze the positive and negative consequences of accessing open
books on this platform; verify the level of knowledge of students and teachers on the
platform for accessing the open book; understand the practice of reading the digital
book, its implications and particularities; and identify marketing tools within these
libraries related to the dissemination of the digital book. The research was of a Quali-
Quantitative nature because it not only made a subjective analysis of the studied
subject, but also collected numerical data through interviews and questionnaires in a
public institution to its librarian collaborators and to its students and teachers. As a
product, a booklet was produced with the objective of bringing relevant information to
encourage library users to practice e-book reading. The booklet discussed various
topics that contained the advantages and disadvantages in the acquisition and practice
of reading on electronic media and platforms. . Thus, with the creation of this booklet,
some librarians will be able to carry out marketing work with this material, making it
available to their users for consultations, consequently making the dissemination of
their digital collection, since the digital format facilitates the distribution of the product,
through the addresses e-mails of teachers and students from these institutions.