Informational acessibility for people with visual disabilities in the Community Journalist Library Carlos Castello Branco of the Federal University of Piauí
Informational Accessibility. Visually impaired person. Community Library Journalist Carlos Castelo Branco. OPAC. Web acessibility.
Informational accessibility for visually impaired people at the Community Library Journalist Carlos Castello Branco from the Federal University of Piauí is a case study
whose objective is to check whether there is acessibility in the environment and effective use of information products and services, such as the online catalog, materials bibliographic, user service, among others, in the referred library by this public, taking into account aspects of typs of accessibility such as architectural and furniture, communicational and instrumental. Regarding the questiono f how informational acessibility is characterized in the UFCC’s BCCB for the visually impared, a comparison was made, by means of checklist, between the mentioned aspects and the rules and legislation on the subject. The methodology used is of na applied, exploratory and descritive nature and is developed in two stages, the literature review and single incorporated case study. The data approach is qualitative in nature. It is concluded that the informational accessibillity in the researched library occurs in a partial way, since both the efetive access to information in the phisical space, as well as in the digital and virtual environment, presented absence of requirements listed in the standards and recommendations of accessibility on the web, althoug there are instruments and provisiono f services adapted to this audience. With the study, a script is elaborated with the objective of supporting the discussion and drawing attention to more effective practices of informational accessibility for people with visual impairments in university libraries.