PATIENT'S ELECTRONIC PRONOUNCER: an information management strategy at the Cariri Regional Hospital.
Information Management. Electronic patient record. Information system.
This paper, titled "Electronic Patient Record: An Information Management Strategy at the Cariri
Regional Hospital", aims to verify if the Cariri Regional Hospital in Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará,
Brazil, uses the Electronic Records and Hospital Information, with a view to optimizing
Information Management in relation to the National Health Information and Informatics Policy
(PNIIS) in the context of the Information Society. To this end, the paper reviews the topics
considered relevant for the construction of information management within the on-site health
unit, addressing information concepts, information mediation, information management,
focusing the patient's electronic medical record as an effective tool of management, bringing
also literature on health technologies, focusing on medical information management systems. It
is characterized as an exploratory, descriptive, bibliographic research. The analysis of the results
is based on the collection of information made through the questionnaires that will be applied
together with the physicians and the professionals who work in the hospital file, the NAC
(Customer Service Center). The research also seeks to reveal whether PNIIS is being
implemented within the Cariri Regional Hospital and to propose an information management
policy, through the preparation of a manual, which will provide guiding information for the
application of information management consistent with the reality of the health unit.