The memory of a Holy Father: religious tourism information service in the city of Juazeiro do Norte - CE
Religious tourism. Tourist information service religious. Tour with Padim.
Father Cicero.
Discuss the religious tourist information service on the Juazeiro do Norte - CE city, emphasizing
the importance of identifying the main tourist attractions of the city, in order to recall its
relevance for the construction of the memory of the city, showing them as places of memory.
This research presents an exploratory-descriptive character, as regards procedures, it qualifies as
qualitative, with regard to the means, it is bibliographical. It also deals with the memory studied
by Social Science, not addressing the psychic memory, but a type of memory that affects the
entire population, which is responsible for the transmission and storage of knowledge, customs,
which are transmitted from generation to generation in the most diverse forms. This memory,
which is concerned with thinking about society, has distinctions. We will approach in this study
the concepts of oral memory, memory and history, individual memory, collective memory,
social memory, cultural memory and communicative memory and places of memory, seeking to
present reference authors in each of them. Juazeiro do Norte - CE became known nationally by
the miracle of the Host and the feats of Father Cicero. Since then, millions of people have
visited the city, seeking to be in the places where "Padim" has been, knows where he lived, the
monument in his honor, and also the tomb where he is buried; to relate, in a way, directly to the
saint to whom they are devoted. The objective was to present the main concepts and researchers
that seek to understand and study the various branches that tourism is involved, the
characteristics that distinguish them and the audience that each segment attracts. We briefly
present issues related to the relevance of information to the tourism sector, extending to the
tourist information service that will be proposed for the city of Juazeiro do Norte. Finally, as a
product of the dissertation, we propose a tourist information service for the city, to provide in a
single place "how to reach the main tourist attractions" and the memory of its history through an
app. The product was thought in the form of an application because it is considered the most
accessible tool for tourists visiting the city of Padre Cícero, since we are not only thinking about
the ladies and gentlemen who participate annually in the pilgrimages, but in everyone that
passes through the city.