RRETRIEVAL: mapping of the Monographic Database of the Librarianship Course of the Universidade
Federal do Cariri for Resource Description Framework (RDF)
Librarianship. Information Representation. Resource Description Framework. Semantic Web.
Organizing is a common practice in today's society, but this practice has existed for thousands of years,
since the beginning of the formation of the first groups of society, and has been improved since then, by
developing new technologies to support these processes . The Semantic Web is an example of these
technologies, created specifically for the representation of information in the Web environment. In this
work, the objective is to map the representation of an existing database to the technologies developed for
the Semantic Web, specifically the RDF, This function is the responsibility of the Librarian, as a
professional who works the process of representation of information. The object of representation is the
monographic database of the Librarianship course of the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA), developed
initially from activities carried out in a research project. It is hoped that the intermediate representations
between the database and the RDF will be able to inspire new works in this perspective, bringing the
Semantic Web and the processes of representation in this environment into the Library.